Security and privacy policies

We collect personal information about you.

We gather certain types of information when you visit our Site. It includes data such as your IP address, web browser type, time zone and the cookies you have installed on your system. Furthermore, while you are on the Site it is gathered information on the websites or products you visit. This includes the keywords or websites brought you to the Site. We refer to this automatically-collected information as \”Device Information\”.

These technologies are employed to collect Device Information:

Cookies, which can be anonymous or unique identifiers in certain instances they are files of data that are stored on your device. For more information about cookies, and how to disable cookies, visit

– \”Log files\” record actions within the Site as well as collect personal information like your IP address browser type, Internet service provider, dates and time stamps.

\”Web Beacons,\” \”Tags,\” and \”Pixels \”Web Beacons\”, \”Tags\”, and \”Pixels\” are digital data files that record data about how you use this Site.

If you try to or complete a sale through the Site we will collect additional information, such as your name and billing/shipping address. The payment information will also be recorded (including credit cards numbers) as well as phone numbers and email addresses. We refer to this information by the name of \”Order Data\”.

This Privacy Policy includes both Device Information, and Order Information.

How will we handle your personal information?

We gather the Order Information for us to fulfill orders (including the processing of payments, organizing shipping and sending you receipts or invoices for your order). The Order Information can also be utilized to:

Communicate with you

Verify our purchase for fraud or risk.

Based on the preferences you have shared in accordance with your shared preferences, we may send you advertising or information on our services or products.

Device Information that we collect is used for screening potential fraud, risk, or abuse (in particular the case of your IP address) in addition generally, for improving and optimizing our Website.


When you place an order on the Site and we keep the purchase Information in our database unless and until you ask us to remove this data.


The privacy policies of our company may be updated periodically, for instance changing our procedures or other regulatory, operational or legal motives.